meet joni cooke

“Joni has a way with making you feel instantly safe and peaceful. Just hanging out in her presence is half the healing, though her thumbs are intense and her yoga skills vast” (Green Room Yoga student CJ Brook)

“I did the five series with Joni and felt great — learned a lot about my posture and my eating habits and my emotional stuff started to surface and to change. She was so supportive through it all. I’ve never felt so gently cared for. I couldn’t have let all that stuff go without her holding me in love. She’s got a wicked sense of humour”. (client of five series Penelope Griffin)

Joni’s journey to wholistic health started on a craggy mountain top in southern California in 1985 studying with Zen master Kyozan Joshu Sasaki Roshi. Following an intense loss at the age of 19, she got herself to Mt. Baldy Monastery, and began a two year retreat of daily rigorous meditation practice. The monastic life helped integrate her spirituality and her training as a Shiatsu practitioner (registered Shiatsu Massage Therapist) and dancer (BFA Dance, SFU) into the system of somatic healing she practices today. Meditating 16 hours a day involved unparalleled embodiment. Integrate or suffer!

In the decades since, Joni has acquired training in a vast and varied range of healing arts as part of her commitment to deliver a healing somatic experience for all her patients. Though her techniques vary widely according to what is needed,

  • from shiatsu

  • yoga classes

  • to one on one yoga therapy

  • meditation guidance at her meditation centre

her support always feels compassionate, intuitive, and deeply transformational.